Sunday, December 23, 2007

Someone had said in a way that I should update. So update I shall.

it's annoying like the staggering of a broken record player.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Carolling yesterday.
it was fun?
yeah, I guess it was in a way
I didn't lose my voice so I'm quite happy.
we are the reason is still my favourite song<3

It is still unofficial and uncomfirmed but i think john's gonna be my sunday school teacher next year.
He went and said somthing like "You'll be seeing more of me next year. hinthint"
yes i think i get the hint?
i have mixed feelings about that
just like everything else
but i'm really quite okay, he's not that bad a teacher^^

I am really starting to think that I am nocturnal.
I've been unable to sleep until it is about 3-5 am for the past few days? weeks? ><
I'm so screwed for school.
and i don't think that coffee works on me/:
I'm screwed. wheeee(:
about everything

I'm thinking too much backwards into the past
and too much forward into the future of things.
I'm thinking on things far-fetched and imaginary.
I"m thinking on things that are anything
but the hard core of present reality.

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