Tuesday, November 27, 2007

VBS was honestly quite great. Especially after listening to Oreo and Michelle describe their classes. They make me feel that compared to their classes, my class are absolute angels. But i had already thought that before talking to them, compared to my last two classes they are seriously really really guai. A nice evident proof would be that I'm here typing when all the other times in VBS I fell asleep right after VBS, or maybe it was that awful sip of coffee i had over dinner. There's just one girl that's a little difficult. Her problems are just so petty. I don't know what to do with her. But the rest of the class is great, so let us leave it at that.

My camera died on me): and the lighting in the sanctuary makes everyone orange.

Tuition tomorrow.

oh and dear all here's a lovely notice to you all (though many of you don't usually come here)

my phone is kinda like the prepaid card and cut the long story short, i need to use my phone more so if anyone wants to talk or even through messaging to like some random person cause you're bored or because of something or other, you can try me.
I seriously need to use my phone more.

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